***Smitdogg's Control Panel Packs For MAME Frontends*** Feb. 3, 2003 - Pack #16 Hmmm, just ran into a bunch of more pics! 58 new, 22 replaced. Just paste them in your cpanels folder and let it overwrite files when prompted. Thanks to the MAME32 Plus! guys for adding cpanels support: http://mame.emusilent.net Quick pack info: cpanels16.zip 13 MB 937 total cpanels images (all 16 packs) -Smitdogg Official cpanels website: http://www.eldio.co.uk/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jan. 14, 2003 Back from the dead. I've decided to continue with the control panel packs after a 1+ year hiatus, mainly because of the great flood of images I've recently gotten thanks to oNyX and Marshall. I don't have time to keep coming out with packs very often at all, but I found some time and got this together, and I will continue to release new packs periodically (I hope). The new max width is 750 pixels, with the exception of a small handfull of images which have instruction strips/instruction gfx, those had to be 1000 pixels wide or else you wouldn't be able to read the text. Examples are a handful of NeoGeo panels and sf2ce.png. If there was a (large image size) panel pic with text that couldn't be read at 1000 wide, it was sized down to 750. I still haven't bored you yet? Great, keep reading :P Well, I'm sure some people won't be happy about having to download all the packs again, sorry. But there's nothing I can do about it, all the files changed (every one). When I released the packs a year ago, I didn't know about png compression (oops), and in that time, names have changed, lots of images have been added and updated, I didn't black out the images before, etc. Besides, I worked my ass off on this, so don't bitch :P Thanks again to Ciro for supporting these in EmuLoader: http://www.mameworld.net/emuloader/ Thanks to Fabio for adding support to MAMEFE for them: http://mamefe.mameworld.net/ Thanks to the main contributors oNyX, Marshall, and DJ Rosen for taking and/or supplying pics, and to everybody else who took the pics (too many sources to name and I don't even know them all, sorry). Thanks to Eldio for hosting these packs and making dats for ClrMAME and Rom Center. Also thanks in advance to any other frontend authors that add support for them in the future. Quick pack info: cpanels01.zip 14.9 MB cpanels02.zip 14.9 MB cpanels03.zip 14.9 MB cpanels04.zip 14.9 MB cpanels05.zip 14.9 MB cpanels06.zip 14.9 MB cpanels07.zip 14.9 MB cpanels08.zip 14.9 MB cpanels09.zip 14.9 MB cpanels10.zip 14.9 MB cpanels11.zip 14.9 MB cpanels12.zip 14.9 MB cpanels13.zip 14.9 MB cpanels14.zip 14.9 MB cpanels15.zip 10.1 MB 880 total images -Smitdogg Official cpanels website: http://www.eldio.co.uk/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Packs 1-12; October 28th, 2001 Zipfile Name/Size Quick Info: cpanels_1 ~10 megs cpanels_2 ~10 megs cpanels_3 ~10 megs cpanels_4 ~10 megs cpanels_5 ~10 megs cpanels_6 ~10 megs cpanels_7 ~10 megs cpanels_8 ~10 megs cpanels_9 ~10 megs cpanels_10 ~10 megs cpanels_11 ~10 megs cpanels_12 ~6 megs -Total ~115 megs/514 images- Quick & Simple Instructions: These packs work the same way the others (cabinets, flyers, etc.) do. Unzip all the packs into a folder named "cpanels" and put it inside your MAME folder, you can also combine all the .png files into "cpanels.zip", and place it inside the "cpanels" folder. Notes: There is support already for these packs in EmuLoader, and hopefully in other frontends and MAME32 in the future. 99.9% of these pics were created from pictures given to me by oNyX, these packs certainly wouldn't have been possible without him. These images are of varying quality/size. I kept all of them in their original size (how they were when I got them) to preserve maximum possible quality. However, if they were enormous (more than 650 pixels wide) then they were resized to have a maximum width of 650 pixels. I don't think there's any need for a larger size than that for frontend use. Smaller and/or less quality pics will be replaced via future packs as better ones become available. The backgrounds of these images are not blacked out (a small handful are but mostly not), I don't have time to do that, feel free to black them out yourself if it means that much to you ;-)) I recommend using the "Stretch" option in EmuLoader for best viewing. URL: http://emam.mameworld.net/tree/trunk/cpanels.htm Credits: oNyX Eldio RocLobsta KiLLerCloWn Marshall of ImageXtreme And special thanks to Ciro for supporting them in his fantastic frontend, EmuLoader. -Smitdogg